Snappy is excited to announce a new product that will be added to our event services! Henna Art! Henna is a wonderful addition to a party that has multiple ages attending. Younger kids love face painting, but older kids, teenagers and adults love the more sophisticated style of henna stain art. Henna is a plant. Useful both as a folk medicine and as a decorative cosmetic, the henna plant was eventually spread around the Middle East, North Africa, and the Persian Gulf, finally reaching the Indian Subcontinent and Central Asia. The leaves of the plant contain a dye molecule which is responsible for coloring the skin.

Henna is 100% natural. Henna paste is applied and will take approximately 30 minutes to dry to the touch. Once dried paper tape or a citrus sealant will be applied to help hold the design (at parties or festival citrus sealant is used, for prenatal bellies tape is used to preserve design). Leave paste on for 4-8 hours (overnight is best). Afterward scrape the paste off (do not wash with water to remove) and avoid exposure to water for 12 hours after removing paste. Henna stain will darken from orange to brown taking 24-48 hours. Henna stain will last 1-3 weeks depending on area on which applied. Henna stains all skin types, but the hands and feet stain best (where the skin is most calloused) and the stain is fainter on other body parts, or almost invisible on the face or neck. On darker skin tones it is always recommended to henna the hands/feet for optimal visibility as other body parts such as the back or chest may not have enough contrast.

The price of a Henna party is $85 an hour (our minimum of 1 1/2 hours is $127.50) and we can create up to 8-10 simple henna designs in 1 1/2 hours $127.50 and up to 15-20 simple designs in 2 hours $170. Ready to reserve? Click BOOK NOW
The following pictures are henna examples when freshly applied, 6 hours later after scraping off, henna stain appearance 3 days later and henna stain appearance 1 week later after application.

You can be assured we are fully insured.
Call: 720-371-7651
Located in Littleton, Colorado and serving the Denver Metro area, including Lakewood, Highlands Ranch, Lone Tree, Centennial, Cherry Creek, Englewood, Parker, Aurora, Thornton, Castle Rock, Conifer, Golden, and Westminster areas.